Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What I'm Watching

I don't have cable in my bedroom so when I feel like watching T.V. I'm stuck watching a movie. My family knows how difficult it is for me to sit through an ENTIRE movie. If I want to watch one it doesn't come without snide comments about my short attention span. Well over the holiday weekend I watched a few movies that kept my eyes glued to the screen for the whole movie.

And the winners are...

  • "Food Inc." A documentary about our food and what's in it. Ewww.

  • "Away We Go" An adorable, artsy love story that made my heart sing.

  • "A Beautiful Mind" About an math genius, John Nash, and his mental struggles.

  • "Four Christmases" It was a typical holiday movie with Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn. I'd give it a C-

  • "Paris, Je'Taime" I rented it a few months ago and absolutely LOVED it. Must see.

So there's the list...I'd check out all of them except "Four Christmases". It had some funny moments, but not enough for me to recommend it to anyone else.

Also, am I the only person still going to the video store instead of signing up for Netflix?

{photo via-}

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