Monday, December 14, 2009

Good Times

Sitting at end of the bar, two friends laughed and shared stories over a few drinks. Once they could see through the bottom of their glass they decided to walk to the next bar. In the dimly lit pub there was an older, unattractive woman singing karaoke to a crowd of three. The two friends turned on their heels and headed back to the bar of origin. After pounding down their fourth, and strongest, drink they walked the few blocks to his truck. They kissed in to the wee hours of the morning. Something so unexpected. So strange. And it never happened again.

He is now planning to be wed to his soul mate.
She blogs from her living room. Completely single and unattached.

But she has never been happier. A few months ago, that night was the highlight of her recent days. Now, it's an embarrassing blister in her memory.
You see, she has found that to be truly happy you must love yourself and all of your flaws, drunken kisses, and low points in life.

Yes, after twenty two years she feels happy.

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