Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's Almost Over

I love the holidays. I love the holidays. I love the holidays.

I have that playing on repeat in my mind from Thanksgiving until New Year's Day.

While I enjoy the family, friends, FOOD, and all that comes with the holidays...IT'S EXHAUSTING!

We had two Thanksgivings this year which was unusual for us. But since my mom is no longer with us we've become much closer to her family. So two feasts we had.

Beginning of December we had our annual Christmas party with all of my dad's family. We use a fire hall and have a big lunch/dinner and watch football and play bingo. The next weekend was getting the tree and decorating the house. We had one weekend of rest and then it was Christmas with my dad's immediate family. Four days later it was my first Christmas eve service followed by dinner at my aunts house. Christmas morning which lasted all day. And then on the 27th we left for the Oregon coast for a few days.

In between all of that was work and shopping for gifts. Oh and my brother's birthday. Two families converged on our house to watch a football game and eat a lot of food.'s almost over.

What did you do for the holidays?

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