Friday, December 11, 2009

The perks of being a college student on winter break:

  1. I am in my pj's all day.

  2. I do my facebooking, blogging, emailing etc all while listening to jazz music on

  3. I can bake whenever I get the urge. Yesterday was sugar cookies(!)

It's almost like being in high school again...almost. No responsibilities. Except for the sobering fact that I have to work tomorrow. Saturdays are usually really slow. So the five hour shift I work drags on and on.

My plan for today is to catch up on the shows I dvr'ed on Ovation(my new favorite channel) and maybe get some Christmas shopping done. I am, however, NOT going to eat all the sugar cookies, stay on the computer ALL day and complain about being tired. There's no excuse.

{photo via-}

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