Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Long Weekend

It's finally Sunday night. I say finally, because I never thought it would ever get here.

I had class for most of Friday and as soon as I was done I picked up my sister and took her to lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, Cafe Yumm! Then we stopped at the store so I could pick up a few ingredients for the cookies I was going to bake that night. We got done there and headed home where I hopped in the shower and then started on the cookies. I had a Christmas party to go to that night and I was in a hurry. One of my best friends was coming over early to hang out beforehand. Once 7:30 arrived we headed to the party and had a great time socializing with girlfriends and eating too much. I wasn't in the mood to drink so I just had water, but one girl at the party proceeded to drink a bottle of wine(or two) to herself and things got interesting. And awkward. Someone volunteered to take her home and the party resumed to it's normality. I was home around 11:30 and ended up staying up until almost one doing Mad Libs with my sister.

Saturday was spent hanging the outdoor Christmas lights and then trying to warm up the rest of the day. It was long day of doing nothing.

And here I am today. My feet haven't warmed up all weekend.

Today was a family Christmas party out of town so that made for another long day. Although, I really enjoyed seeing all my family today.

So, nothing really exciting but I never thought I'd make it through this weekend. Phew. Just recapping is exhausting.


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