Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Over the last month my food intake has increased to a level that I'm ashamed of. I've never been overweight and most of my family and friends say i'm skinny...but holy moly I can't seem to stop eating. But now that the bulk of the holiday's are over I'm going to change that.

This morning I made a banana-apple smoothie for breakfast. I'm sipping it right now. It's amazing. After every drink I wonder why I didn't try this sooner. And it took maybe five minutes to create. I just cut up one apple, one banana, added some ice cubes and some milk. I think next time I'll add less milk because it's a little too frothy and milky than normal smoothies. But it's delicious nonetheless. I went against my better judgement and added a little sugar. Which really isn't necessary because fruit already contains it's own, natural sugar. Next time I might add this green powder I bought at the health food co-op I used to work at. It's called Vitamineral Green and made by Health Force Nutritionals. You're supposed to add it to water but that's pretty bland. Check out it's benefits here:

If I hurry and get ready I can hop over to Cafe Yumm! for lunch. It's my favorite restaurant in town. Healthy fast food. Can you believe it? And it's vegetarian. You can add meat, but there really isn't any reason too. It's good without the protein.
You can find them here:

As for dinner, I'll have to figure something out seeing as work from 3-8.

I'll try to get creative and add more recipes as I blog.

It's Almost Over

I love the holidays. I love the holidays. I love the holidays.

I have that playing on repeat in my mind from Thanksgiving until New Year's Day.

While I enjoy the family, friends, FOOD, and all that comes with the holidays...IT'S EXHAUSTING!

We had two Thanksgivings this year which was unusual for us. But since my mom is no longer with us we've become much closer to her family. So two feasts we had.

Beginning of December we had our annual Christmas party with all of my dad's family. We use a fire hall and have a big lunch/dinner and watch football and play bingo. The next weekend was getting the tree and decorating the house. We had one weekend of rest and then it was Christmas with my dad's immediate family. Four days later it was my first Christmas eve service followed by dinner at my aunts house. Christmas morning which lasted all day. And then on the 27th we left for the Oregon coast for a few days.

In between all of that was work and shopping for gifts. Oh and my brother's birthday. Two families converged on our house to watch a football game and eat a lot of food.'s almost over.

What did you do for the holidays?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

One More Thing

I've been house sitting for the past week. Tonight is my last night, thank goodness. It's so lonely and the cat is crazy. I miss my family at night with it being so close to Christmas. This year is especially hard for me because it's the first Christmas without my mom. But even with that sadness lingering I still can't help but be excited for Christmas morning.

And one more thing. Santa, please make it snow for Christmas.

{photo via-}

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What I'm Watching

So I'm watching the movie "Gandhi" and it's really good. Very long, but good. I've attempted to watch it before but couldn't sit still. I've made it about an hour into the movie and now am on the computer. Hmmm...I may rent it so I can stop and start it whenever I please. I did hear one quote in the movie that I particularly liked.

And Albert Einstein added, "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Minutes to Midnight

It's nine minutes to midnight and here's a little recap of my day:

Woke up a little late and started the day with an episode of "Art & the City" on Ovation. Today was Paris. My favorite artist they profiled was Fabien Verschaere(he's the short man on the left). He's so adorable and funny. Not to mention very talented. You can see some of his work here: {}

Did lots of reading online

Broke out my yoga mat and did a short fifteen minute session. My sister and I plan on going to some classes over our winter break. I already love doing yoga, but I hope she loves it just as much. It would be such a nice activity for us. During the summer we take walks at dusk to chat and get some fresh, evening air. We would see the regular people every night. I really miss it right now.

Finally my sister, dad and myself headed to meet with our therapist. Our mother died in April and we're all seeking some outside help. She is the most wonderful person. Afterwards we had dinner and went to look for a new tree topper. My mom always put up a really tiny angel that was passed on to her(I think that's the story). Anyway, it's always looked disproportionate on the tree. This year we hung it on the tree but will put a larger topper up. It's about finding new traditions but still honoring my mother.

I came home and cleaned my room to a soundtrack of:
the Roots, the "Once" soundtrack, Mason Jennings, and David Gray.

Today was a good day. The yoga relaxed me and the therapy helped to release some tears. I always feel so refreshed after crying.

Tomorrow I plan on doing some painting before work!

Good night, world!

Good Times

Sitting at end of the bar, two friends laughed and shared stories over a few drinks. Once they could see through the bottom of their glass they decided to walk to the next bar. In the dimly lit pub there was an older, unattractive woman singing karaoke to a crowd of three. The two friends turned on their heels and headed back to the bar of origin. After pounding down their fourth, and strongest, drink they walked the few blocks to his truck. They kissed in to the wee hours of the morning. Something so unexpected. So strange. And it never happened again.

He is now planning to be wed to his soul mate.
She blogs from her living room. Completely single and unattached.

But she has never been happier. A few months ago, that night was the highlight of her recent days. Now, it's an embarrassing blister in her memory.
You see, she has found that to be truly happy you must love yourself and all of your flaws, drunken kisses, and low points in life.

Yes, after twenty two years she feels happy.


Sometimes I write these posts with the intention that they'll be read someday, but so far I don't think anyone is. Which is okay with me. Someday, someone will stumble upon my ramblings and give them a quick read.

Also, Semi-Homemade With Sandra Lee is on my t.v. right now and either a) I never noticed that her boobs were huge or b) they were recently "enhanced"
Holy cow.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Every Woman

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own,even if she never wants to or needs to...A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ..something perfect to wear if the employer,or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .a youth she's content to leave behind....A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age....A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .one friend who always makes her laugh.. and one who lets her cry...A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,and a recipe for a meal,that will make her guests feel honoured...A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE a feeling of control over her destiny..EVERY WOMAN SHOULD to fall in love without losing herself..EVERY WOMAN SHOULD to quit a job,break up with a lover,and confront a friend without ruining the friendship...EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...when to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...that she can't change the length of her calves,the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over.....EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...EVERY WOMAN SHOULD to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW..whom she can trust,whom she can't,and why she shouldn't take it personally...EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...where to it to her best friend's kitchen table..or a charming Inn in the woods....when her soul needs soothing...EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW..What she can and can't accomplish in a day...a month...and a year...-Pamela Redmond Satran
The perks of being a college student on winter break:

  1. I am in my pj's all day.

  2. I do my facebooking, blogging, emailing etc all while listening to jazz music on

  3. I can bake whenever I get the urge. Yesterday was sugar cookies(!)

It's almost like being in high school again...almost. No responsibilities. Except for the sobering fact that I have to work tomorrow. Saturdays are usually really slow. So the five hour shift I work drags on and on.

My plan for today is to catch up on the shows I dvr'ed on Ovation(my new favorite channel) and maybe get some Christmas shopping done. I am, however, NOT going to eat all the sugar cookies, stay on the computer ALL day and complain about being tired. There's no excuse.

{photo via-}

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Said Burr...It's Cold In Here

It's been about nine degrees here in Oregon. I'm not even exaggerating. The highest temperature I've seen was, I think ,thirty-one. It gets cold here, but NEVER this cold. And especially never this cold in the first week and half of December. But I shouldn't complain. The mid west and east coast are being slammed with much harsher weather than what we're experiencing here.

How's the weather where you are?

Hit List

What have I been reading, listening to and watching?


  • Omnivore's Dilemma-Michael Pollan

  • In Defense of Food-Michael Pollan

  • Prozac Nation-Elizabeth Wurtzel


  • The Fall-Norah Jones

  • The Queen Is Dead-The Smiths



  • Gilmore Girls Season One-My sister and I plan on watching the entire series. A lofty goal for some, but not for us.

  • It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia-best show ever.

what are you watching?

{photo via-}

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I've seen a light show at a DJ Tiesto show in Portland. It was the first "rave" that I had ever been to and it was definitely something I'll never forget. The way these photos are done seem so urban to me. Gritty and dirty. I guess that's because of the memory these photos stir up inside me. Walking into a small venue in downtown Portland while everyone tripped out. Standing with my group of rave "virgins" and not really able to let go until that jager bomb. The light show and the loud beat of the music was an amazing sensory experience that I'll never see again.

I. Am. In. Love.

The view in the first photo is unbelievable. It said somewhere in Idaho...I never knew it was so beautiful.
The second and third are just so serene that I don't think I'd ever leave. Ahhhh...
{all images via-}

A Long Weekend

It's finally Sunday night. I say finally, because I never thought it would ever get here.

I had class for most of Friday and as soon as I was done I picked up my sister and took her to lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, Cafe Yumm! Then we stopped at the store so I could pick up a few ingredients for the cookies I was going to bake that night. We got done there and headed home where I hopped in the shower and then started on the cookies. I had a Christmas party to go to that night and I was in a hurry. One of my best friends was coming over early to hang out beforehand. Once 7:30 arrived we headed to the party and had a great time socializing with girlfriends and eating too much. I wasn't in the mood to drink so I just had water, but one girl at the party proceeded to drink a bottle of wine(or two) to herself and things got interesting. And awkward. Someone volunteered to take her home and the party resumed to it's normality. I was home around 11:30 and ended up staying up until almost one doing Mad Libs with my sister.

Saturday was spent hanging the outdoor Christmas lights and then trying to warm up the rest of the day. It was long day of doing nothing.

And here I am today. My feet haven't warmed up all weekend.

Today was a family Christmas party out of town so that made for another long day. Although, I really enjoyed seeing all my family today.

So, nothing really exciting but I never thought I'd make it through this weekend. Phew. Just recapping is exhausting.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fall into the Gap

The new GAP commercials had me thinking about the one's they did in the late 90's. So I did a google search and along the way came across one's I remembered and some I've never seen. Nonetheless, it was fun to see how fashion has "evolved" over the last few years. Here's a few...

From 1998

I love Daft Punk(when I'm in the techno mood)

Love Train

Man, I remember seeing these and thinking they were the coolest commercials on TV. Now, they're just annoying.


Every night before bed I write in my journal that I bought at the Tate Modern Museum of Art in London. The cover is colorful and inspiring. Each night that I write, I post at least five things that I'm grateful for. Some days it's as simple as my bed. Others it's a little deeper. Tonight it will be about the liter of shampoo I got for free, that would've cost $45! It's a nice way to reflect over my day and remind myself that I really do have it good.

What kinds of things are you grateful for?

{pic via-}

A Hopeless Romantic

I have a confession: this video kinda makes me want to get married...

I've said for many years that I didn't want to get married. Ever. But after seeing this video who wouldn't want to get married? And isn't the bride beautiful? It's so romantic. And I'm a sucker for romance.

Here's a link to the original post{}

What I'm Watching

I don't have cable in my bedroom so when I feel like watching T.V. I'm stuck watching a movie. My family knows how difficult it is for me to sit through an ENTIRE movie. If I want to watch one it doesn't come without snide comments about my short attention span. Well over the holiday weekend I watched a few movies that kept my eyes glued to the screen for the whole movie.

And the winners are...

  • "Food Inc." A documentary about our food and what's in it. Ewww.

  • "Away We Go" An adorable, artsy love story that made my heart sing.

  • "A Beautiful Mind" About an math genius, John Nash, and his mental struggles.

  • "Four Christmases" It was a typical holiday movie with Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn. I'd give it a C-

  • "Paris, Je'Taime" I rented it a few months ago and absolutely LOVED it. Must see.

So there's the list...I'd check out all of them except "Four Christmases". It had some funny moments, but not enough for me to recommend it to anyone else.

Also, am I the only person still going to the video store instead of signing up for Netflix?

{photo via-}