Over the last month my food intake has increased to a level that I'm ashamed of. I've never been overweight and most of my family and friends say i'm skinny...but holy moly I can't seem to stop eating. But now that the bulk of the holiday's are over I'm going to change that.
This morning I made a banana-apple smoothie for breakfast. I'm sipping it right now. It's amazing. After every drink I wonder why I didn't try this sooner. And it took maybe five minutes to create. I just cut up one apple, one banana, added some ice cubes and some milk. I think next time I'll add less milk because it's a little too frothy and milky than normal smoothies. But it's delicious nonetheless. I went against my better judgement and added a little sugar. Which really isn't necessary because fruit already contains it's own, natural sugar. Next time I might add this green powder I bought at the health food co-op I used to work at. It's called Vitamineral Green and made by Health Force Nutritionals. You're supposed to add it to water but that's pretty bland. Check out it's benefits here: http://www.healthforce.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=garden_flypage.tpl&product_id=1&category_id=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=65
If I hurry and get ready I can hop over to Cafe Yumm! for lunch. It's my favorite restaurant in town. Healthy fast food. Can you believe it? And it's vegetarian. You can add meat, but there really isn't any reason too. It's good without the protein.
As for dinner, I'll have to figure something out seeing as work from 3-8.
I'll try to get creative and add more recipes as I blog.