Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today is sunny. For the first time in a while it's actually sunny. As I stumbled from my bedroom this morning and past the front door window I saw a mixture of sun and fog. It was so enchanting and now I wish I would've taken a picture.

Should've, would've, could've...

I love Thursdays. I don't work until four so I'm able to just sleep in. Which I take full advantage of every time Thursday comes around. I stayed up last night reading a new book("Saving Fish From Drowning" just wasn't doing it for me) , "Something Borrowed" by Emily Griffin. And have fallen in love and I only got to page sixty before my eyes were droopy. That was only eleven o'clock. I swear I'm becoming an old woman at twenty-two.

So for now my plan is to get off the computer, start some laundry, eat some breakfast and read until I have to work. Then take the book with me to work. It's only four hours of work and usually busy, but I'll hopefully get a few pages in.

What are you doing on this sunny Thursday?

(while I'm aware I have no followers just humor me. and if you ARE a reader become my first follower and I'll love you for-ever!)
{Photo Via: Here}

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