Monday, February 22, 2010

One Tribe

"One Tribe"-Black Eyed Peas
...One love, one blood, one people
One heart, one beat, we equal
Connected like the internet
United that's how we do
Let's break walls, so we see through
Let love and peace lead you
We could overcome the complication cause we need to
Help each other, make these changes
Brother, sister, rearrange this
The way I'm thinking that we can change this bad condition
Wait, use you mind and not your greed
Let's connect and then proceed
This is something I believe
We are one, we're all just people

And while we're on the subject....

check out this website:

Closet Shopping

Yesterday I got a jump start on my spring cleaning and spent the ENTIRE day cleaning. I am not even exaggerating. I've lived here almost a year and my room hasn't been this clean. Ever.

I've bagged up four grocery bags of clothing, accessories and puzzles that my sister kept in my closet. I need to clean out my desk and finish going through all of my wardrobe once my laundry is caught up.

I had planned on going to Wal-Mart(only because i had already been to Target twice) to get a bookcase, shoe rack and a picture frame for a piece of art I bought in London.

I told my Dad of my plans and he said that he had the shoe rack and bookcase in his closet. They weren't being used and I freed up space in his closet. And saved money!

Closet shopping is the best. It's like when I watch HGTV and they're remodeling a room on a small budget. They go into the basement and find all sorts of neat, forgotten things to use. Although, too many forgotten things leads to clutter and I'm working on eliminating that from my life.

the art on this page is by Francis Bacon. I bought a print of this at the Tate Modern Museum of Art in London over the summer. creepy isn't it?
While the sun is making it's grand entrance this morning, Sade is playing on my computer making for the perfect soundtrack.

I was listening to "Be That Easy" off of their new album, Soldier of Love, but couldn't find a widget for it.
So here's my next pick of the day.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

On A Sunday

I learned...

That life is what you make it.

is possible...

That folding towels makes sublimely happy...

I have the best father in the entire world...

A furry companion can brighten your day with swish of their tail...

Organizing and cleaning my room was the best idea I had all day...

Sunny weather really makes me happy...

p.s. I can't wait for summer.

{photo via: here}

Feels Like Love

I think...
You should watch:
"Away We Go"

And then buy the soundtrack.

So beautiful

It feels like love.


{photo via: here}

Thursday, February 18, 2010

But I kneed to run...

My right knee has me disabled until it heals. I think it's bursitis. This is the same thing that caused me to sit out for the second half of cheer leading my freshman year of high school.
So today instead of taking in this beautiful day I'll be stuck inside. While I don't mind the reading portion of being stuck inside, days like this are few and far between during the winter months. I can't run my mile today which I'm very sad about...I was really looking forward to it.
I'll just sit inside by a window and admire the sunshine and let it dance on my skin throughout the day. But since there will be no running involved, could you do one thing for me?

Enjoy today's sunny weather outside for me.

note: please excuse my cheesy title

{Photo Via: Here}

Today is sunny. For the first time in a while it's actually sunny. As I stumbled from my bedroom this morning and past the front door window I saw a mixture of sun and fog. It was so enchanting and now I wish I would've taken a picture.

Should've, would've, could've...

I love Thursdays. I don't work until four so I'm able to just sleep in. Which I take full advantage of every time Thursday comes around. I stayed up last night reading a new book("Saving Fish From Drowning" just wasn't doing it for me) , "Something Borrowed" by Emily Griffin. And have fallen in love and I only got to page sixty before my eyes were droopy. That was only eleven o'clock. I swear I'm becoming an old woman at twenty-two.

So for now my plan is to get off the computer, start some laundry, eat some breakfast and read until I have to work. Then take the book with me to work. It's only four hours of work and usually busy, but I'll hopefully get a few pages in.

What are you doing on this sunny Thursday?

(while I'm aware I have no followers just humor me. and if you ARE a reader become my first follower and I'll love you for-ever!)
{Photo Via: Here}

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

When I visited my aunt in London over the summer, I almost died as I walked into the living room of her flat and was dwarfed by floor to ceiling bookshelves. (The books took up an entire wall!) And each night of my stay I slept on the couch below them. Glancing up every once in a while wanting to just stay inside and read them. But then again, I was in London and that would be silly.

It's so refreshing to read the words of my fellow nerds. They love the look, smell and magic that a book holds. Whether it's buying a new release from your favorite author or searching for that first edition of a classic, they still hold that sense of wonder for me. Like something amazing is about to happen.

As of right now I'm reading "Saving Fish From Drowning" by Amy Tan. See my previous post if you'd like to read an excerpt from the book.

And a recommendation or two:
"The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald(even better the second time)
"Rosie Dunne" by Cecelia Ahern(author of P.S. I Love You.) Also titled "Love, Rose"

Just a few that I've read lately. Check them out and fall in love with them the same way I did.

Friday, February 12, 2010


"A mother is the one who fills your heart in the first place. She teaches you the nature of happiness: what is the right amount, what is too much, and the kind that makes you want more of what is bad for you. A mother helps her baby flex her first feelings of pleasure. She teaches her when to later exercise restraint, or to take squealing joy in recognizing the fluttering leaves of the ginko tree, to sense a quieter but more profound satisfaction in chancing upon an everlasting pine. A mother enables you to realize that there are different levels of beauty, and therein lie the sources of pleasure, some of which are popular and ordinary, and thus of brief value, and others of which are difficult and rare, and hence worth pursuing."

Amy Tan "Saving Fish From Drowning"

Why, yes I haven't posted in almost a month. But I love this passage and wanted to share it on the blogosphere.