Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

I spent the evening at home reading "The Great Gatsby" and watching MSNBC shows about cults. Weird much? I swear I'm not that weird, but I really didn't feel like celebrating last night. I feel different about New Year's Eve this year. The past few years I partied until the early hours of January first. But after the year I had I really had no intention of celebrating.

I am really, really, really hoping that 2010 is my year. Thing's I'd like to accomplish this year:

  • Get at least one A during winter term.

  • Start my yoga practice

  • Run a 5K or longer

  • Get my tattoo for my mom

  • Pay off my debt

  • Get the macbook I've been drooling over

  • Spend a day surfing and blowing glass with my sister.

I've been working on my "bucket list" and these are the things I think can do this year.

Best wishes for the future

p.s. i l-o-v-e Zooey Deschanel.

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